Education is a huge part of what we do at LaMCoT, for more than 25 years now, the environmental kindness club has engaged students in the importance of the environment and conservation.
Shella primary, was the pioneering school in our education program. Among the pioneer club, some members have taken career in environment and political leadership, others are still working on the ocean, with some travelling across the globe and we even have some on our LaMCoT team!
Since 2001, when Tusk Trust started sponsorship of LaMCot, we have introduced their PACE project; Pan African Conservation Education to our environmental clubs. PACE supports conservation and sustainability education, providing ideas, information and training for teachers and learners across Africa. The club members are well versed with knowledge about the life cycle of marine turtles, the threats, and the need for conservation, as well as learning about mangrove restoration, tree planting and growing, soil management, and waste collection of plastics in our beaches, among many other environmental subjects.
#tusk #eastafricanoceanexplorers #peponihotel #conservation #marineconservation #lamcot #lamumarineconservationtrust #discoverlamu #magicalkenya